Babies & Kids Wind & Weather Cream (75 ml)
Lieferung:15.09 - 19.09
Kostenloser Versand
Babies & Kids Wind & Weather Cream (75 ml)
Wind and weather can be quite a challenge for the delicate skin of babies and children. Dr. Stefan Duve has developed the Babies & Kids Intensive Protection Wind & Weather Cream to prevent damage. The proven Doctor Duve Calming Complex made of acacia honey, cupuaçu butter and cotton extract reliably protects the skin areas that are particularly stressed from damage. At the same time, calendula, jojoba and almond oil moisturise and soothe irritations. Without parabens and also particularly suitable for the care of eczema and neurodermatitis skin.
Always apply to face, neck and hands before going out, avoiding the eye area. Also in the evening after the bath. Apply the Babies & Kids care lotion to the body to provide optimum protection for the delicate skin.
Tip from Dr. Stefan Duve
"For red runny noses, apply the Babies & Kids Intensive Protection Wind & Weather Cream to the inflamed areas several times a day. If the symptoms persist, consult a dermatologist to rule out infection of the skin."
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- die Lieferung der Ware erfolgt weltweit.
- Versandkosten (inklusive gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer)
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Versandkosten in EU-Staaten:
Standardversand 5,70 Euro.
Kostenloser Standardversand für Bestellungen ab 150 Euro.
Versandkosten Schweiz, Liechtenstein, Großbritannien, Norwegen, Island:
Standardversand 22,50 Euro
Ab einem Netto-Autragswert von 100 Euro versenden wir mit DHL Weltpaket Premium (bis 5 kg: Versandkosten 7,50 Euro).
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